Internet Edition
Please note - most addresses and telephone numbers given in the printed edition have been removed. Please e-mail Briggensians to join and obtain your copy.
Committee Meeting 1 Friday 24 January 7.45
The 19th Annual Dinner was held at Elsham Golf Club on Saturday, 16
March, 1996. The waitress service and slight decline in numbers (41)
ensured that everything went smoothly and that all were quickly
served with an excellent meal. Mr. Vernon Atkin again ably performed
the task of Toastmaster. Heather Monteith, a 6th Former at the Sir
John Nelthorpe School, presented a most instructive and at times
amusing report on her educational expedition to Iceland. The whole
experience she found most rewarding and her delivery, charm,
knowledge and confidence did great credit to her school, her parents
and herself.
The Headteacher, Mr. David Brittain, gave his usual interesting
report on the many activities and successes which the Sir John
Nelthorpe School achieved during the previous year.
Mr. Peter Gregory replied on behalf of the Briggensians' Association
congratulating the speakers, thanking all who helped to make the
evening a success, and urging those present to persuade others,
particularly younger ones, to join the Association.
1996 was, on balance, a splendid year for the school. The achievements towered over the disappointments and made the stress of Ofsted all worthwhile.
We began 1996 with the shadows of Inspection lengthening as we
approached the appointed week in February. In the event, we avoided
any hysterics or panic attacks; just did a professional job. The
preparation proved to be worse than the inspection.
The report was splendid, full of praise for pupils, parents,
governors and teaching and support staff. Throughout the report
students are praised for their attitude, which is described as
exemplary, for taking pride in their work, being friendly, helpful,
and enthusiastic about all aspects of school life.
Teaching received excellent grades, as did the management and so we
were regarded as giving value for money. The exam. results were well
above national averages and put the school in the top 25%. Altogether
a particularly satisfying report with most criticism reserved for the
LEA because we lacked adequate buildings for indoor PE, an Upper
School Canteen and space for collective worship. The report concludes
that the school can be justifiably proud of its reputation and the
achievements of its pupils.
Just as we were celebrating the Ofsted report, the news broke of
financial panic over the April budget. The change to North
Lincolnshire was indeed going to be the financial disaster we had
predicted. Massive cuts in services, the highest increase in
Community Charge in the country and class sizes about as high as you
could go. There were protest marches by pupils, parents, teachers and
governors. Everyone was targeted from MP's to local politicians. At
the eleventh hour reserves were found to shore up the system by
spending 15% more on education than the Government's recommendations.
Panic almost over!
Disappointment came as we passed the point when a start could be made
on the Astroturf pitch if we were to have it ready for 1996/7. As we
took our summer break the LEA were just beginning to do soil and
drainage tests.
These looked good, but current legal differences with the LEA still
prevent us going ahead, even if the money is granted by the Lottery.
We had such optimism as we started 1996; let us hope 1997 is the year
when real progress is made.
The summer GCSE exam results were again above national averages and
highly commendable, given the ability profile of the year group. Out
of 130 students:-
At 'A' level results were again very sound with five subjects recording 100% pass rates and three others in the 90's. Two students gained places at Cambridge, Katie Smith to study Sciences at Girton and John Heath, Modern Languages at Pembroke.
Staff news picks out three long-serving teachers who have taken
premature retirement.
Mrs. Pam Braithwaite who was in charge of Technology (Food
and Fabrics) and GNVQ Co-ordinator left us after a considerable
period of illness. She is well on the way to recovery now that she is
free from the stress and strain of school.
Mr. Keith Walker (and his wife Wendy) took their leave in the
summer and have moved to France. Keith taught French and Business
Studies and was a Head of Year.
Mr. Charles Mailing, after 34 years' service, left us at
Christmas '96 and will be remembered in his Grammar School days as
Head of Music, but at Sir John Nelthorpe for teaching German, being
Head of Year and latterly External Examinations Officer.
All three staff were closely involved with foreign exchange visits
and their contributions beyond the classroom will be greatly
I am pleased to say that Art, Music, Drama and Sport all continue to
flourish. This year the Art Department held an exhibition and opened
a shop in Brigg for a week; a most successful venture. Music concerts
were again splendid and ended the year with a packed St. John's
Church for the Christmas Concert. The Drama production this year was
Nicolai Gogol's "The Government Inspector" and offered a splendid
variation from the musicals of the recent past.
In sport the girls have been particularly successful at Hockey with
the U13, U15 and U16's all winning their tournaments and our pupils
dominating the county side. They also did very well at Tennis with
the U15 reaching the finals of the district Midland Bank
The boys had excellent seasons at Soccer, Hockey and Cricket. The U14
Soccer team were Scunthorpe and District champions; the Junior Hockey
team became County champions and the U15 Cricket team reached the
last 16 of the Lords Taverners Trophy - Duncan Heath played
for England U15's and Richard Antcliffe for the Lincolnshire
U16 side.
Altogether a satisfying year - certainly one to remember.
Finally for the IT buffs we have now expanded our facilities so that
you can read our 'home page' on the Internet address:-
and send us your Briggensian News by E-Mail at [updated] [email protected].
If you want to get into the picture then we have a video link via our
ISDN line and we can chat face-to-face on 01652 659581.
Once more Brigg students have excelled in A-level examinations. The
forty-six A-level candidates each gained an average 2.4 A-level
passes. Five subjects had 100% pass rates - German, Music, Further
Mathematics, Physics and English. Mathematics also had an outstanding
90.9% pass rate. Almost half of the students gained the top three
grades, which means that the placement rate in higher education will
be at least as successful as usual, despite the tough competition for
Students who did particularly well include Katie Smith, who
gained A grades in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and General
Studies. She will be taking up a place at Girton College, Cambridge,
to read Natural Sciences. Michael Bessell gained A grades in
Biology, General Studies and Mathematics and B grades in Chemistry
and Further Mathematics. He also passed the Special Papers in both
Biology and Mathematics. Mike is still pondering his options. John
Heath gained an outstanding A in German and A in English
Literature, besides a B in History and the Special Paper in German.
Heather Monteith gained A grades in both Geography and General
Studies, and the Special Paper in Geography. Heather also gained B
grades in Mathematics and Chemistry, and is to read Geography at
Leeds University. David Green gained A in each of Mathematics,
Further Mathematics, and Physics, and Special Paper in Mathematics.
He also gained Grade C in German. David is to read Computing at
Imperial College, London.
It is also a pleasure to congratulate our adult students. Margaret
Taylor has been successful in her German A-level, and Sandra
Robinson in her English Literature. Sandra will now read Combined
Studies at Humberside University.
Many congratulations to all our students who have done so well, and
all the staff wish them every success in the future.
Claire Bailey A&D, EL, GS, G
Kelly Belche r GSA, M
Michael Bessell B*, C., FM, GS, M*
Rebecca Booth EL
Rachel Branton EL, GS, MU, THS
Carl Britcliffe B, GS, P
Emma Cooper EL, GS, THS
Victoria Cozens A&D, EL
Katie Dent A&D
Sally Dring B, EL, GS
Paul Farman EL
Rachael Freeman B, G
David Green FM, GE, M*, P
Peterjon Hastings GS
Nicola Hazeldine EL
John Heath EL, GE*, H
Victoria Johnson EL
Jonathan Joinson M, P
Helen Joseph B, C, GS, G
Debra Kelly A&D, EL, F, GS
Paul Lambert M, P
Heather Monteith C, GS, G*, M
Christopher Moore GS, G, P
Gavin O'Sullivan FM, M, P
Kevin Percival B, G
Matthew Pett EL
Nathan Porter B
Ross Richards GS, GE, M
Joanne Richardson EL, GS
Sandra Robinson EL
Joanne Sharp A&D
John Sisman B, EL, GS, G
Katie Smith B, C, GS, M, FM (AS)
Laura Smith EL, GS, G, THS
Margaret Taylor GE
Joanna Thomson B, EL, GS
Jonathan Turnbull EL, MU
Lisa Turner EL, F, GE
Sarah Vardy GS, M
Kate Vincent B, GS, P
Abigail Wallis A&D, EL, GS, F (AS)
Lee Warner A&D
Sarah White A&D, B, H
Sarah Yearnshire B, GS
A&D Art & Design |
F French |
GE German |
P Physics |
B Biology |
FM Further Maths |
H History |
THS Theatre Studies |
C Chemistry |
GS General Studies |
M Mathematics |
* Special Paper |
EL English Literature |
G Geography |
MU Music |
Neil Cooper
Sara Driffill
Sharon Eardley
Graham Fowler
Linda Holdstock
Carla Hunsley
Claire Jickells
Sara Johnson
Lisa King
Claire Bailey Sheffield University, Journalism
Kelly Belcher John Moore's University,
Liverpool, BioMedSci
Rebecca Booth JLC, A Levels
Rachel Branton Year Out
Carl Britcliffe Derby University, Biology
Emma Cooper Bishop Grosseteste, BEd English Studies
Neil Cooper Seeking employment
Victoria Cozens Seeking employment
Sally Dring Lincs & Humb.University, Equine Studies
Sharon Eardley Part-time employment
Paul Farman JLC, A Levels
Rachael Freeman Sheffield Hallam Univ. BioMedSci
David Green Imperial College, London, Computing (Software Eng)
Peterjon Hastings British Steel, Apprenticeship
Nicola Hazeldine Seeking employment
John Heath Pembroke College, Cambridge, Modern Lang.
Sara Johnson Nanny in USA
Victoria Johnson Part-time employment - Leisure centre
Jonathan Joinson Leeds University, Fire Engineering
Helen Joseph Sheffield University, Biological Sciences
Debra Kelly Part-time employment
Paul Lambert Bradford University, Software Eng.
Rachel Lancaster Family business
Richard Maple Seeking employment
Heather Monteith Leeds University,Geog.
Christopher Moore Bradford University, Technol. & Management
Gavin O'Sullivan Sheffield University, Physics
Kevin Percival Wolverhampton University Env. Sci.
Matthew Pett NLC, Art Foundation
Nathan Porter Manchester Met Univ. Env. Health
Ross Richards Derby University, Environ. Monitoring
Joanne Richardson Lincs & Humb. University, Internat. Studies
Joanne Sharp Lincs & Humb. University, Hotel Catering & Inst. Man.
John Sisman Hull University, Geography
Katie Smith Girton College,Cambridge, Nat.Sci.
Laura Smith BHS, Management Trainee
Philippa Spilman Boots
Joanne Thomson Wolverhampton University English
Jonathan Turnbull Goldsmith's College, London, Music
Lisa Turner York University, English/Linguistics
Sarah Vardy Sheffield Hallam Univ. Primary Ed.
Kate Vincent De Montfort University, App.Biol.
Abigail Wallis Bishop Burton Coll. Floristry
Lee Warner NLC, Art Foundation
Sarah White Leeds University, Zoology
Sarah Yearnshire Lincs & Humb. University Food Science
Michael Bessell BSF, A Levels
Katie Dent BSF, GNVQ
Sara Driffill BSF, GNVQ
Graham Fowler BSF, GNVQ
Alison Hilton BSF, GNVQ
Andrew Hodsdon BSF, A Levels
Craig Holmes BSF, A Levels
Simon Wadsley BSF, GNVQ
Claire Jickells Grimsby College, GNVQ Advanced
Helen Radford NLC, NEB Nursing
In the 1996 Newsletter the death of Dr Henthorn was recorded and
may I say that many former pupils wrote in to recall many memories
and express their sorrow at his passing away. Many of the letters
referred to Dr Henthorn as a member of staff they adored. He was in
many eyes a great man, an inspiring man, a lovable man, and although
a great loss, will have left his mark with many a Briggensian.
I am going to start this year's news by going up to Scotland where a
letter came from Charles Eccles, Forfar, Angus,. Charles was in
School House from 1941-46 and, like so many former scholars, refers
to these days as the happiest days of his life, even though he was
caned by 'Duffy' Daughton and 'Stan' Matthews. In his first year
Charles made a life-long friendship with J C White, OBE MA (Ancholme)
whilst brass rubbing at Bigby and Broughton. After School Cert. he
studied Medicine at Sheffield University, having to do National
Service during which he was commissioned in the Royal Artillery. He
qualified MRCSLRCP in 1955. In 1953 he married, and now has 5
children and 9 grandchildren. Charles spent 4 years in hospital doing
surgery then teaching Human Anatomy in Sheffield, 6 years in
Tanganyika and 12 years in Dundee. While at school Charles used to
play golf at Elsham with Raif Markarian who later became a Headmaster
at a school in England. When Charles visited the present school it
was strange to see the new buildings but seemed a big improvement on
the old wooden huts where the junior school was taught. He remembers
the wooden building used for storing School House bicycles next to
the swimming pool. Charles saw the new and old School Houses and he
remembers that the four dormitories were called New and Old, Top and
Lower. These have been successfully altered into very pleasant
classrooms with a wonderful view across the school field.
Occasionally Charles used to cut the grass and mark the lines on the
tennis courts.
Charles ends by saying that he is pleased that the school is
co-educational as it seems very unnatural to him for boys and girls
to be separated, and he says at one time he used to be very shy of
girls. He likes the name of the school and wishes it continued
success. Many thanks Charles for your letter and all your
Somebody else who has a memory or two is Harry BOTTON spelt in
capital letters so nobody will spell it wrongly! Harry was asked by
his grandchildren what he had done as a boy and so in 1993 he started
to write a few paragraphs, which expanded into 300 A4 sheets of
paper. When he got to the year 1930 he thought it was too brief just
to tell them he was at Brigg Grammar School for 6 years and so began
a brief history of the founding of the School. At this point close
contact was made with Dr Henthorn and help and advice given to Harry
in the development of the notes. At one point Harry visited Dr
Henthorn and, over a glass of sherry with school photographs spread
about, many memories were re-lived of the 1930's. Harry reminded Dr H
of the activities on the football field in 1936 when, in the company
of 'Chips' Morris and Messrs Dodd and Pimlott, joined members of the
School 1st and 2nd XIs during the Thursday evening practice matches.
Harry was the 2nd XI goalkeeper (35/36 year) and he remembers well
what an awesone experience it was to see them thundering down the
slope towards the School House goal, scattering defenders in all
directions. There was no 'by your leave' or 'after you, sir' it was a
case of 'sauve-qui-peut'. Apparently before coming to Brigg, Toddy
and Chips had both been rugby players, but they certainly made up in
endeavour and enthusiasm what they lacked in skill.
Harry had read about P D J Campbell, who he remembers as an excellent
medium fast bowler. He had good reason to remember him, for it was he
who, with his first ball to him in the School versus Old Boys in
1936, found a gap in 'the gate' and removed him from the crease.
There were happier cricket memories with Alan Thompson - his post-war
He and Harry played in the same Platoon and Company teams when they
were in the Scunthorpe Territorial Army Company - the 384th
Searchlight Company RETA - matches being played pre-war during Annual
Camp in 1939 and later in Leadgate, County Durham and South Shields.
Harry was sorry to read of the death of Clem Dawson.
Although he was 5 years his junior he remembers his efforts on the
sports field for Sheffield House, with his contemporaries Tommy Brown
and Walter Jackson.
Finally, another request which we have had in the past - if anyone
has a spare copy of volume 2 of Dr Henthorn's School History please
get in touch with Harry.
Next we turn a bit closer to home to thank Frank Holmes for his
memories. Frank was born in 1909 and lived at Keadby Bridge. In 1920
he won a scholarship to enter Brigg Grammar School as a boarder but
reverted to a day boy after his first year. As a boarder he was
friendly with a pupil called Clark from Winterton. His dormitory held
about 20 beds with the one at the end being occupied by Naylor (who
had an elder brother in the school) and was so thin that it was
difficult to tell if he was in bed or not! The Housemaster was Mr.
Shute whose wife was Matron. Mr. Shute became Headmaster of Carr's
Grammar School, Sleaford and was still there when Frank's own son,
Peter, was a pupil there. The food in the boarding house was good
(jam and eggs had to be provided from home) and each boy had a tuck
box which was opened only at morning break. Another day boy friend
was Urry and also 'Blackie' (Bradshaw?) who cycled in daily from
Saxby all Saints. Frank left BGS in April 1926 to join the Midland
Bank where he stayed until his retirement in December 1969 working
mainly in South Lincolnshire and Norfolk. Frank married in 1936 and
had two children and four grandchildren.
During the 1939-45 war he spent 5 years in the Royal Artillery. Frank
visited the school last June and was shown round by our Headteacher,
Mr E D Brittain. The day was a delightful occasion as the memories
came back to him. Frank lives in Nottingham, and also sends his best
wishes to all concerned with SJN School. Many thanks Frank.
Staying in the Nottingham area we hear from a regular interested
reader P D J Campbell, Newark, Notts. PDJC as I have said earlier,
was one of many people to be saddened by the death of Dr Henthorn for
whom he had a great regard and from whom he had received a letter two
years earlier. Reading through the news, he had been interested to
see that David Sumpter had met Dr Eric Kemp, Bishop of Chichester,
who was an exact contemporary of his, reminding us all of the 'pin in
the sausage' and who had sung the first two verses of the School Song
by H E Bryant. The refrain was 'Fortitudine' and I can say that the
same refrain will be sung again at this year's Annual Dinner. PDJC
was amazed to read in Gwen Jarvis's account of North Thailand that
Chiengmai was having an international airport and of the vast highway
development. He had spent several months based in Chiengmai in 1963
where he had stayed with his wife in a small hut which was part of
the Railway Hotel, which was the only western type hotel there.
Chiengmai was then a pleasant quiet provincial capital with no
tourists or tourist attractions. PDJC had been doing a survey for the
Thai government, under the Colombo Plan, and had to study the
possibility of the Hill Tribes growing tea as an alternative to
growing opium in the Golden Triangle. He travelled to the remote
villages in the mountains, sometimes spending nights there in the
village's bamboo and thatch houses. There were no helicopters or good
roads then. Travel on nearly impossible tracks was in a Land Rover
and great distances had to be walked. At the end of his stay PDJC
produced his report for the Thai Government. Now, instead of growing
tea, the easier course is adopted of giving the Hill Tribes the
alternative of being tourist attractions, growing flowers, etc. This
of course works only on the near fringe of a vast area of mountains
where the various Hill Tribes are widely and thinly scattered. Having
seen the area as it was in its age old state PDJC has no wish to
return now.
Peter Wade wrote to say how much he had enjoyed the 1996 Annual
Dinner last March and while talking to Derek Sumpter they had agreed
that it would be very nice to attract more of their contemporaries to
make up a table of those who were there during the 40's and 50's.
They believe that John Morton may still be at the Grimsby Evening
Telegraph and attended the Annual Dinner a few years ago. Also in
Grimsby Frank Flear may be pleased to attend and meet some familiar
old faces. Apparently Frank is one of the 'Captains of Industry' in
Thank you Peter for all the information and we have noted your
good ideas.
Having already mentioned Gwen Jarvis (wife of the late ex-deputy
Head) it seems the right time to mention her whereabouts and Peter
Jarvis has kindly forwarded the information from Shrewsbury. Gwen is
now living in Shrewsbury or at least has a base from which to travel
with her brother. Since last year's trip she has been to the Canadian
Rockies, Atlanta Georgia, Germany and at the time of writing to us
she was in Brunei, Perth, Nullarbar Express, Melbourne, Brisbane,
Dubai and then home for a few weeks. Peter keeps in touch with John
Furniss, who lives next door, as well as seeing Mike Spencer and
another teacher, Keith Woolley who plays the violin in the
Brian T Thornalley wrote to us from Willoughby on the Wolds,
Loughborough. He stated that the list of teachers remembered by John
Gray from the 1929-39 era remained much the same in 1945 when he
first attended BGS. Mr Cabourne was then 3B Form Master. In our
account last year we had printed 'Woodwork' after Mr Thumbwood's name
and as far as Brian remembers 'Thummy' taught Physics to them,
including a lesson where the whole class held hands in a line around
the lab. to receive the 'electric shock treatment'! By this time,
'Timber' Watts was well established in the woodwork post. Brian has
already booked his ticket for the 1997 Annual Dinner and will be
accompanied by his School 'hero', none other than Ron W Waller
(1942-49) after renewing contact with him two or three years ago.
My next piece of information comes from a visitor who came all the
way from New Zealand and was pleased to drop in and visit his old
school on 12 September 1996. His name is B M (Bret) Butler who
attended BGS from September 1951 to December 1958. He was Head of
School, Deputy Head Boy and Captain of Cricket in 1958. Bret went up
to Pembroke College, Cambridge and graduated with a BA in 1963 and an
MA in 1965. He went to New Zealand in 1965 and was appointed
Headmaster of Huntley School in Marton in 1970 and then went on to
King's School, Auckland in 1988. Bret was married to a young lady
from Auckland in 1968 and they have three sons, Michael, Nicholas and
David. Bret was pleased to see Gerry Longden in New Zealand when he
and Ann did their 'World Tour' a year or so ago. While looking at the
school photographs Bret had clear memories of Roger Dobson, Alan
Franks, David Oakes, Peter Roberts, Phil Walling, Rick Carter and
many others, including Bas Burton, Bill Towns and Roger Holmes.
Memories of staff are just as familiar, to which Bret is very
grateful, and begins his list with Bumper Knight, Toddy Henthorn,
Chips Morris, Jarvis, Atkins, Bell, Doggy Barker, Richards and
Pimlott. Bret was pleased to see the School in good shape, albeit
with a different name, no boarders, but nowadays having the presence
of girls.
Next we come all the way back to London to Ellis Levinson living in
London. I am afraid that we are going to knock you off your perch, as
being 86 is certainly not old enough to be the oldest Briggensian
because one I know (only a few yards from school) played in the
Briggensians Open Golf Tournament this year at the ripe age of 89, as
the result sheet shows. Ellis cannot remember hitting W C Cook but
the incident reminded him of the days when he travelled by bus to
school when he was about 13 or 14. He was foolish enough to knock the
conductor's hat off his head in a fit of bravado and was duly
reported. Headmaster Bryant had him in his study and gave him six of
the best on his rump. It certainly taught him a lesson and, like
Cook, he did not offend again. God willing, he hoped to meet Lewis
Brown last Summer and was pleased to say that the two of them are in
constant communication. Another Old Briggensian who mentioned his age
was R J Baxter who said he was 75 years old remaining fit and well
and hopes to remain so, as this year he celebrates the 60th
anniversary of leaving school! RJ still lives at 61 Oak Avenue,
Morecambe, Lancs. LA4 6HY. A bit further north John Rowley (School
House '50-'58) wrote in from Prestbury to say 'thank you' for the
Newsletter and that he hopes to play in one of the Golf Days.
It is always a pleasure to hear from Donald Sykes and although he
sends snippets of information for non-publication, they are always of
interest to all, so I keep adding them. Donald reminds us that when
Dr Henthorn arrived at Brigg, Peers Ploughman was put into cold
storage and he believes, not brought out again until he left.
However, being very friendly with Mr Wass (Headmaster of Brigg
County) and living in Scawby when Jeremy Wass started and Ploughman
was brought out again, Jeremy was handed a copy and whose name should
be in it but that of Donald Sykes. Donald sends his 'best wishes' to
everyone and is pleased to report that he is still kept active and
enjoying life to the full.
Before we hear from people after the 1960's we have a final note for
the earlier section from one of our good friends in Canada, Gwen
Owen. We have a large number of Briggensians in Canada but nobody is
as good at sending back a few lines of news as Gwen. Gwen did in fact
visit England to see her Uncle Stan Ford who at the time was in
hospital. Her daughter Carol and her youngest son John both work in
Ottawa. John works as a computer programmer for Bell Northern
Telecom. Her eldest son David and his wife Val and grand-daughter
Kimberly (2 years old), still live in Calgary, Alberta.
They have had an extremely cold Christmas this year with great
quantities of snow in BC. The heavy snow falls have caused road and
airport closures and later flooding in Victoria and Vancouver when
the snow melted. At the time of writing travel was still restricted
on many of the mountain highways to Vancouver through the Rockies at
Alberta and other passes. Two small villages, Coalmont and
Tulameenon, much higher ground than Princeton, in the Cascade
Mountains, have been cut off from them. Gwen sends her New Year's
tidings to all our readers.
More news from Canada comes from Susie Wong (nee Bowler) (1967-69).
Ging, her husband, works as an economist with the Federal Government
with much of his work focusing on unemployment issues travelling into
N. America with occasional trips to Europe. Susie works part time at
the Career Clinics which fits in well with a busy family life. Her
family includes Emma, who is very keen on diving, Becky (13) who has
just returned to gymnastics, Tammy (9) who is very artistic, and
Jamie (5) who hopes to become a soccer player. Susie lives in Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
Our next piece of news brings us back into the Brigg area from Martin
Lawley, Redbourne. Martin was a pupil at BGS from 1969-72 and
graduated from University College, Stockton, which is part of the
University of Durham, last June gaining a BA (Hons) in Human
Sciences. Whilst there Martin developed an interest in Demography
(History of Populations) and produced a dissertation on Lincolnshire
Farming Marriage Patterns in the 19th Century.
Martin was hoping to go to Hull University last October to expand
this research in the form of a MPhil/PhD. Martin hopes to lecture in
Demography and Anthropology with specific reference to kinship
patterns in rural communities and the social structures thereof. He
has been offered co-operation for a second supervisor (in his
research) from a member of the Cambridge group for the History of
Population and Social Structures. Being a mature student is an
experience in itself, being an opportunity to mix with the younger
generation and at Stockton 50% of the student body is mature, both
generations have to mix as there is a lot of group work. During
Martin's time he founded the Cynics Club and the Tennis Club, was
treasurer of the Union in 1994 for the duration, secretary of the
Culture Recreation and Artistic Appreciation Society (CRAAS) and was
able to let the student body understand and appreciate the finer
points of the West Coast Underground movement in the late 60's, of
the Baader-Meinhof gang, and of North Lincolnshire wit! Martin would
like to thank Mr Brittain and Mr Jefferson for letting him do the
General Studies A Level paper in 1992 (twenty years after leaving
BGS) and also to Mr Lyons for a small piece of advice on his
dissertation. The chances were fairly good that Martin would have
been seen on a hockey field last November but the location was being
a well kept secret.
William Davey who was a member of the boarding house between 1969-74
returned his confirmation slip to let contemporaries know that he is
now farming at Searby (5 miles from Brigg) and is married with two
teenage sons.
A regular visitor to our school is Nurse Dowie and she left us a few
details about her daughters. Elspeth married Eric Day on 15 September
1996 and they are both immigration officers at Heathrow Airport.
Helen, who married Shaun Beel, have a second child, Joshua, born on
12.4.95. and a brother for Lucy born 28.3.93.
Having one parent bring us news only leads on to another parent
giving us information about his two daughters, and that parent is Mr
Lever. Fiona who left school in 1984 had just completed the New York
Marathon (November) when the news arrived.
Earlier last Autumn, Fiona had also gained a certificate recording
her run up and down Ben Nevis. Apart from these wonderful feats Fiona
is a sales and marketing manager for Hi-Tech UK which is an
engineering firm exporting its products to twenty six different
countries. Moyra, who left school in 1988, is now a Doctor and is a
Research Fellow in the University of Aberdeen engaged in medical
research. Her laboratory is in the Medical School at Aberdeen Royal
Infirmary. She had been the sole UK delegate at an international
conference in Washington state. Both daughters are married .
Michael Cosser wrote to us asking to join the Briggensians from
Coventry. He left BGS and went to Salford University gaining an
honours degree in 1971. Michael spent time in the building industry
before embarking on a career in social work where he became Senior
Social Worker. However, in 1991 he left to become a Probation Officer
and has been with the West Midlands Probation Service. In 1977
Michael married Jenny (a Bristolian) whom he had met while studying
for his social work qualification at Bristol Poly (1975-77). They
have two children, Emily (now 16) and Alex (now 14). Both attend
Bluecoat School in Coventry. Both children keep themselves busy with
a variety of activities from swimming to kick boxing. Michael has
himself been running for the last 25 years and for the last 14
competitively. Although Michael admits to being unathletic, it's all
about enthusiasm, of which Michael has plenty. Michael runs for
Coventry Godiva Harriers and edits their Newsletter, which is fun and
a chance to meet lots of nice folk. Michael attends his local Baptist
Church at Quinton Park (an area of Cheylesmore). Jenny is a Deacon
and Michael helps out in the Sunday School. Michael sends his regards
to all who remember him especially Mr Jack Moore, Mr Gerry Longden
and our esteemed Headteacher, Mr Dave Brittain who Michael refers to
as 'a mighty trio indeed'.
Next, our Chairman of the School Governors sends news of Julian
and Nicholas O'Neill. Nicholas (1979-83) is currently employed as
Legal Counsel to the European Monetary Institute (EMI). The EMI,
based in Frankfurt, is the forerunner to the European Central Bank
and as such, is charged both with making many of the technical
preparations for the start of the European Monetary Union
(particularly the launch of the European Community's planned single
currency), and also the assessment of which countries meet the
economic criteria that have been set to determine eligibility for
participation in the single currency. Nicholas has now been working
at the EMI on legal issues relating to the introduction of a single
European currency for around two years, having previously been
employed as a solicitor with a large firm of lawyers based in the
City of London - Clifford Chance. Nicholas has produced an article
describing a few of the basics concerning European Monetary Union
which will have fundamental effects on the whole of Europe.
Should anyone wish to see a copy please send a stamp addressed
envelope to school and we will send you a copy of the five page
Julian is still very busy in the banking business and based at
Nottingham where he is a Nat. West Bank Manager. He and Jacky are now
the proud parents of a daughter Laura Jayne who was born on 16
September 1996, being a sister for Lewis. Laura was christened by The
Very Rev. David Leaning (1947-55), the Provost of Southwell Minster,
in the Minster on Sunday 19 January 1997. One of the Godparents was
David Tear who is a committee member of the Association.
Professor Peter Welton (Spittlehouse) 1944-49, who was guest speaker
at the Briggensians' Dinner in 1995, is a successful and increasingly
popular watercolour artist living at his home and studio in Arnsby,
Briggensians, particularly tennis fans, should look with keen
interest at this year's Wimbledon posters because Peter was
commissioned to create a painting which incorporated the new No. 1
stand and court. The painting will be used to advertise the Wimbledon
Championships in June 1997. This is yet another feather in Peter's
cap, and the painting joins many other pictures in private and public
collections, including that of Her Majesty The Queen.
Jonathan Cresswell ('85-'92) now at RMA Sandhurst after completing
his BA Honours degree in French with a 2(i) from Exeter University.
He gained his Sandhurst colours for hockey and has been selected to
go to America at Easter in the West Point v Sandhurst Challenge
(Assault Course/Cross Country exercise). He is tutored by John Pimlot
(Brigg Grammar School).
Finally, to end this section, I was very pleased to meet one of my
former friends while attending the Elsham Golf Club Presentation
Evening. I had noticed the name plaque next to mine but did not say
anything until Michael Sparling had stood up on a number of occasions
to receive his prizes and that familiar walk gave the game away. It
was the first time we had met since leaving school. A short time
later on Captain's Drive-in day another familiar face was seen, but I
could not place it, but they knew me.
This school mate was Brian Wesley. The three of us decided to fix a
date to have a round of golf and before Christmas we met, and with a
photograph of us all in Paris, we had a good chat. This sporting
venture was in fact the first time that we had done anything together
for 31 years. I hasten to add we have already met on a number of
occasions since and are slowly catching up on all the news. There is
a chance that a bigger re-union may take place in the year 2000 when
the 1961-65 and 1961-67 pupils will be celebrating their 50th
birthdays. See STOP PRESS later on in this Newsletter.
Mr D Brittain (Headteacher)
Mrs S Kerridge
Mrs S Barber
Mrs D Clatworthy
Mrs J Revill
Mrs J Musgrave
Mrs C Hodge
Mrs W Wallace
The above people are responsible for the finished article, but I
must not forget the people who have contributed with many sporting
Mr A Gibbons (Briggensians Basketball and Football)
Mrs H Cresswell (Briggensians Netball)
Mr D Stones (Briggensians Golf)
Mr E Dodd (various articles)
Former Briggensian Howard Wheeler, whose news-writing skills did
so much to set broadcasting standards in postwar years, has died at
the age of 86.
His 30 years in the BBC were mainly at Broadcasting House as chief
sub-editor, duty editor and then assistant editor in Radio News.
He was born in Pennsylvania and spent a few childhood years in Canada
before his family returned to Lincolnshire, where his father, Denis
Wheeler, was appointed chief brewer at Sutton Bean's, Britannia
Brewery, Brigg.
Howard went to Brigg Grammar School in 1921 and was there for three
years, the Wheelers moving to Grantham when the brewery closed in
1924. He continued his education at King's, after which he went
straight into newspapers as a reporter on the Nottingham Guardian. He
served on Kent's two leading weeklies and the Cumberland Evening News
before joining the Ministry of Information and then the Press
He entered broadcasting in 1942 as an overseas sub-editor and six
years later switched to the home bulletin at Broadcasting House,
being appointed a duty editor in 1950.
One of his colleagues, Edwin Harrison, wrote: "Howard cared a great
deal about the effective use of language and under his direction the
headlines and bulletins became crisper and livelier. His aim was
always to tell what had happened in simple, direct language and to
get rid of officialese and empty, pompous phrases. Thirty years on,
the pace of technology plays a great part in news but the word
standards set by him remain. In retirement Howard ran several annual
courses at Broadcasting House for overseas journalists and helped
with recruitment tests for new trainees."
After London, Howard and his wife Cynthia lived in Hove for 20 years
before moving to Wokingham to be near their son, Simon. Cynthia, whom
he met while working as a young reporter in Carlisle, died in June
Canon Ben Whitfield
A Brigg Grammar School old boy, who turned down a Canadian
bishopric to become a parish priest in North Lincolnshire died at
Scunthorpe Hospital on 18 March 1996 at the age of 78.
Canon Ben Whitfield was vicar of Old Clee from 1962-70 and of
Gainsborough for the next 10 yrs.
He began working life as a railway clerk at Scunthorpe and trained
for the ministry in Canada at Saskatoon University on a scholarship
awarded to promising candidates who could otherwise not afford to
take holy orders. Such ordinees repaid by serving several years in
remote prairie parishes and he would travel more than 100 miles in
rough country to take services at three churches on a Sunday. He was
in Canada for more than 20 yrs, latterly as Dean of Brandon Cathedral
in Manitoba. While in this post he was lined up to succeed the
retiring Bishop of the Northern Provinces, but the pull of
grass-roots pastoral ministry and the homeland proved stronger. He
returned to England with his wife and two daughters in 1960, first
becoming vicar of Willoughton. His stay at Old Clee was marked by his
campaign to prevent development near the ancient church by persuading
parishioners to buy a threatened plot. This led to the formation of
the still-active Old Clee Preservation Society.
After Gainsborough, where he reorganised a troubled parish, Canon
Whitfield served until his retirement as vicar of Wrawby, where his
parishioners included Mrs. Sue Day, daughter of Enoch Powell, she had
her children christened at the village church not at Westminster
Abbey as they might have been, their grandfather being a Privy
Councillor. The vicar and the politician, both Greek scholars and
theologians became close friends. Canon Whitfield was on the former
Lindsey Education Committee and at Brigg he was a member of the
Rotary and Probus Clubs. He retained strong links with Canada,
preaching the Centenary sermon at Brandon Cathedral a few years ago,
as part of a month's visit arranged for him by Canadian friends.
He is survived by his daughters, Mrs. Judith Clark of Rugby, former
head girl of Wintringham School and Mrs. Elizabeth Mather of Lincoln.
His wife, Freda, a leader of women's work in the Diocese, died in
We regret to report that Jack Cressey White (1941-48) died in
Madrid on 16 January 1997 after a short illness. Roy O'Neill
(1936-45) had weekly telephone conversations with Jack during his
terminal illness. The last occasion Jack visited the School was on
Sports Day 1994 when he presented the prizes, one of which was the
Victor Ludorum his father, Allan White, had won in 1912.
After National Service in the Army, Jack obtained an MA Degree from
Oxford University and spent his working life in Madrid as a lecturer
in the University and was also attached to the British Council. In
recognition of his services to the British Council he was awarded the
OBE in 1994. A memorial service was held in Madrid on 8 February
We regret to report the death after a long illness of HED (Ted) O'Neill (1930-40). After leaving school Ted joined the Fleet Air Arm and did his flying training in Canada where he acquired a love of the country. On his return to civilian life he trained as a teacher at the Wyndham Teachers Training College in Norfolk and spent the whole of his working life in teaching, some of which was in Canada.
Ted will be remembered by his contemporaries as a good all-round
athlete holding a number of School records for many years. He
continued his interest in athletics later in life as a hobby and
compiled an impressive amount of statistics and wrote a number of
magazine articles on the subject.
Attending the funeral were two other Old Briggensians, namely John
Allen (Lincoln) and Peter Gregory (Brigg).
On a very hot Sunday afternoon only and ladies and girls turned
out to play rounders with the Briggensians coming out on top. The
cricket players were busy doing all sorts of activities and with many
of the school players being unavailable, it was decided to postpone
the game and play it one evening. However, the game was not played
and so we hope to keep the fixture this year on Sunday 15 June
(Father's Day), but we shall only have one game rather than the two
we have had in the past.
By 6 p.m. most of the players for the various teams had arrived
and with umpires and referees ready, play began. The male hockey was
cancelled due to lack of support. We have had a low turnout in recent
years and the games played have not always been School v Briggensians
but hopefully we shall be able to play the fixture again this
Good turn out for netball and hockey. With netball and hockey both
played in Leagues in this area, the Briggensians were winners in both
games but the matches were enjoyable to both sides. We look forward
to the rounders fixture in the summer.
Football Briggensians 5 School 1
Female Hockey Briggensians 3 School 10
Netball Briggensians 14 School 11
The first eleven - I suppose that should be fourteen now! - are having a marvellous season. They are currently top of the league, in their divisional semi-final next week, and are already in the Nursing Cup Final. Jonti and Jamie Allcock continue to score vital goals, as does Mark Cawkwell from his midfield role. Keith Barnes ('70-'76) has bolstered the defence, as well as parents Gary Yule and Baz Shrimpton.
The Reserves are having a mixed season. Last year we won the double -
the league and league cup. This year our form seems to have deserted
us. We are out of all the cups and languish below half way in the
We all look forward to better times ahead, once the injuries all
heal. Duncan Heath has done well in goal - with Ashley Norris and
parent Colin Mumby also playing well.
As ever, the day after Boxing Day produced a very even game.
Despite 4 inches of snow, no lines, no ref. and a white ball, we had
an excellent game.
The football started off about 11 o'clock with David Allcock bringing
off a series of brilliant saves. Martin Shrosbree was majestic and
'Wilf' Willerton a tower of strength as the older Old Boys beat the
younger Old Boys by 5 goals to 3. There was a good turn out in the
Queens afterwards, with continued games of pool, dominoes, 5's and
3's. darts, a boat race (drinking competition) and finally a quiz. I
think the outcome was a draw, but the younger Old Boys claimed a
victory by 4 games to 3. So this year, pencil in December 27 - 10.30
a.m. at school, pub lunch, a few beers and a good old chat with some
of your old school chums. It's good fun!
With a much slimmed down league, the fixtures are almost done.
Played 5, won none, drawn 0 and lost 5 at first appears - let's face
it - rubbish. But we are a young team (apart from me - the only one
old enough to drive) in a men's league. We always aim to score half
the opposition's total - and have done so in each game, so that's 5
moral victories. The kids continue to be keen, and appear to enjoy
each game, that's what it's all about!
Venue:- Elsham Golf Club on Sunday 27 October. Twenty six members
played in the above event, of which 17 were members of the Elsham
Golf Club. The weather was described as good if somewhat breezy or
very windy! In the conditions there were some excellent scores
returned. At the AGM it was agreed to award the extra Briggensians
blazer to the Captain and as tradition in recent years, the winner to
be awarded the other.
The winner of the Autumn meeting was Richard Dodd 37 points, as well
as being presented with the blazer was presented with the OBA Trophy
and Silver Cufflinks by the retiring Captain John Greenbeck. In
second place was Andrew Longden 36 points, third Martin Shrosbree
also 36 points (back nine).
John Taylor 34 |
Val Jeffrey 26 |
Nick Good 33 |
Bob Nicholson 24 |
Derek Stones 23 |
Vaughan Lindley 31 |
Charles Mailing 22 |
Jamie Marshall 33 |
Gerry Longden 30 |
Ted Cox 22 |
Peter Witherden 29 |
Nick Golland 22 |
Adrian Gibbons 29 |
John Monteith 19 |
John Greenbeck 28 |
Ted Dodd 19(Captain) |
Richard Rivron 17 |
Dominic Jeffrey 28 |
Peter Sheedy 14 |
Peterjon Dodd 27 |
John Reed 13 |
Allan Ladlow 27 |
Simon Herring 6 |
For the 1996/7 season Ted Dodd was re-elected as President, Ted Cox was elected as Captain and Derek Stones was asked to continue his sterling work as Secretary and Treasurer.
Malcolm Barnard is now the proud father of Adam - born 19
Samantha Deakin ('79-'84) lives in High Wycombe and is a purser with
British Airways.
Sue Broome (nee Lidgett) works in Nottingham hospital as staff
Jane Everitt ('79-'82) works for Gulf Air in Bahrain as cabin
A reunion in the July/August of 2000 has been suggested - any views
contact John Hastings or Adrian Gibbons at school
President Col R Nelthorpe
Chairman Mr J Edlington
Vice Chairman Mr D Tear
Hon.Secretary Mrs B Kernon
Hon.Treasurer Mr J Gregory
Mr D Brittain (School: 656551)
Mr K Cawkwell
Mr J R Gregory
Mr P Gregory
Mr J Hastings (School: 656551)
Mr J O'Neill
Mr R O'Neill
Mr B Taylor
Mrs P Weightman
Head Boy Mr L Fielden
Head Girl Miss K Briggs
George was born and brought up in Kirton Lindsey, and attended the
Grammar School from 1944 to 1952, then went up to Leicester
University College to take an Honours Degree of London University in
History. In 1955 he was called up into the Royal Artillery for
National Service for two years, and during the final months he was
accepted as a trainee for the overseas service of the Bank of London
and South America, so that in January 1958 he found himself on his
way to Bogota, Colombia, South America. He stayed with this Bank for
18 years, in various executive positions, in Colombia, Guatemala,
Venezuela, Spain, and the United States. In 1974, having left the
bank at the invitation of Banco de Santander of Spain - he was head
hunted - he returned to the United Kingdom to set up their London
operation, and ran it for 4 years. Then in 1978 he was head hunted
again and became Managing Director of the Euro Latinamerican Bank in
London, at the invitation of Barclays Bank and its associate European
and Latinamerican shareholders, a post he held for 12 years until it
closed down as a consequence of the financial problems affecting the
region during the lost decade of the eighties. From 1990 to 1994 he
was the General Manager of a Mexican Bank, Banca Serfin, in the City
of London, until his retirement.
He has had total involvement with Latin America and things Spanish
all his professional life, and still maintains his interest and
involvement through a variety of organisations, and travel to the
various countries. He speaks Spanish fluently, his wife is from
Colombia, and he has five children.
If you wish to come along to the 1997 Annual Dinner please get in
touch with the Upper or Lower School Office or any members of the
Association Committee. Tickets are 12.00 with a 7.30 p.m. arrival for
an 8.00 p.m. start.
Dinner Menu Carrot & coriander soup
Fruit juice
Liver paté & melba toast
Roast Lincolnshire Turkey and trimmings
roast potatoes
new potatoes
baton carrots
broccoli spears
Sticky toffee pudding and cream
Fresh fruit salad
Banoffee pie & cream
Cheese & biscuits
Coffee & mints